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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit.
Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
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The insurance claim filing process is often intimidating and difficult, particularly for people who haven’t experienced any major damage to their property before. In this session Benny Wright will discuss how to get the most out of claim filings. Property ownership is often born out of investment opportunities or pride of ownership - shouldn't your clients be able to protect their wealth when disaster strikes?
Learn how clients can set up a charitable giving strategy to generate immediate income tax savings. An "iCLAT" is simply a trust that makes annual distributions to charity for a specified term of years and then, at the end of the term, distributes the remaining trust assets back to its grantor (i.e. the donor or the client). For legal and IRS purposes, an iCLAT is known as a "reversionary" charitable lead annuity trust, which is treated as a "grantor trust" for federal income tax purposes. Think of an iCLAT as an "Income Tax Savings CLAT."
Contact Jerry Winkelmann to discuss
David Spray will share information on how privately-held exporters can increase their after-tax income by utilizing the IC-DISC program. IC-DISC stands for Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation and is also referred to as a “DISC”. As a tax-exempt corporation, the IC-DISC earns income that would otherwise be taxable to the exporter. The spread between dividend tax rates and ordinary tax rates creates the tax savings when distributed to the shareholder(s).
This session focuses on exploring how benchmarking and comparative analytics can help your clients by providing competitive insights they can use to improve their business. If you have a desire for your firm to become more consultative, analytics and forecasting tools can enable you to develop a course of action with your clients, determine who will do what, and help them manage the improvements in their businesses.
The key to a successful retirement is one that doesn’t require you to compromise your lifestyle or wonder if and when your nest egg will run out. As a WFGIA agent, I can provide a variety of options to help you prepare for your leisure years confidently without having to sacrifice your quality of life.
This session will focus on the WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit) and ERTC (Employee Retention Tax Credit) programs available to employers, both large and small. The credits are designed to offset Federal income tax liabilities. When executed the right way, employers can capture enough tax credits to significantly reduce, or even eliminate, their Federal income tax liabilities. Philip Wentworth of Rockerbox will discuss how to screen an employers new hires to determine if the new hire satisfies one of nine criteria. If the new hire satisfies one of the criteria, these valuable tax credits can be captured, allowing business owners to mitigate/eliminate Federal income tax liabilities and thus improve cash flow.
This session will provide information on how to scale your practice, expand your niche offerings, and build up a virtual tax practice.
Explore how you can implement cost segregation strategies to capture accelerated depreciation and improve cash flow for your clients.
Today, the research and development (R&D) tax credit is one of the most significant domestic tax credits remaining under current tax law—a substantial tool maximizing a company’s cash flow and bottom line.
R&D tax credits are permanent federal and state tax incentives meant to stimulate innovation, technical design, and product development and enhancement; as a result, they keep the U.S. on the forefront of innovation. Above all else, the research & development tax incentive allows companies to realize tax savings, increase cash flow, and stay competitive in the marketplace. In fact, many qualifying activities are considered day-to-day operations in many industries, but the problem is, many companies are unaware they’re eligible for the credit. In this session, you’ll explore how the R&D tax credit can provide a hidden but immediate source of cash for your clients.
There are now Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs) in three territories and 15 states. These zones were designated by the IRS and the US Treasury Dept. According to the IRS, private investments in these specific QOZs receive preferential tax treatment. This session will review how to help clients put QOZ opportunities to work.
As buildings age, they lose value. That’s called depreciation. A cost segregation study classifies buildings’ components (like the lighting systems) into shorter recovery periods. This allows the property owner to write off the components faster in their taxes and reduce taxable income. The study carves out certain qualifying portions of the building into five-, seven- and 15-year lives that are normally accounted for in 39- or 27.5-year categories.
Cost segregation studies enable taxpayers to greatly reduce their income tax burdens. Claiming bonus depreciation can create a write off as high as 30% of a building’s total purchase price in the first year. Additionally, cost segregation makes it possible to write off removed assets during remodeling or replaced building components.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your firm serves clients who have purchased any type of real estate property, particularly commercial real estate, they may benefit greatly from a cost segregation study. Offering them this service will allow you to add greater value to the work you already do, helping clients save money and write off property investments more quickly.
Cost segregation can increase your clients’ near-term cash flow by deferring taxes. It is a federal income tax tool that’s highly effective at accelerating return on capital from property investments.
Website Link: Cost Segregation Info Page
Contact Us: [email protected]
Materials and Multimedia:
Flyer: Download
Cost Segregation Process (Video): Watch Now
Case study Video: Watch Now
Service: Research and Development Tax Credit
Today, the research and development (R&D) tax credit is one of the most significant domestic tax credits remaining under current tax law—a substantial tool to maximize a company’s cash flow and bottom line.
R&D tax credits are permanent federal and state tax incentives meant to stimulate innovation, technical design and product development and enhancement; as a result, they keep the U.S. on the forefront of innovation. Above all else, the research and development tax incentive allow companies to realize tax savings, increase cash flow and stay competitive in the marketplace.
Areas of Opportunity:
Numerous activities which would qualify for the R&D tax credit are considered day-to-day operations in several industries. Unfortunately, many companies are unaware they’re eligible for the credit. The R&D tax credit can provide a hidden but immediate source of cash for your clients.
Introducing your clients to the opportunities presented by the R&D tax credit will help them save money on taxes. They will then be able to spend this extra capital on continued business improvements.
Website Link: R&D Tax Credit Info Page
Contact Us: [email protected]
Materials and Multimedia:
Flyer: Download
R&D Explained (Video): Watch Now
Case study Video: Watch Now
Service: 179D Tax Deduction
The 179D deduction is available for newly constructed or energy renovated commercial buildings as well as apartment buildings four stories or more. Commercial property owners who pay taxes can claim the benefit with the exception of government-owned buildings where the tax deduction may be allocated to the designer.
Website Link (179D): 179D Info Page
Materials and Multimedia:
179D Flyer: Download
179D Case study Video: Watch Now
Service: Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)
The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a tax credit that rewards businesses for keeping employees on payroll during the pandemic. Eligible employers can claim the credit against the employer share of Social Security tax equal to 70% of the qualified wages they paid to employees during the period of December 31, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
The ERTC rewards businesses that continued to support their employees through a time of great financial strain. Businesses which experienced a full or partial suspension of operation due to COVID-19 restrictions or which had a decline of 80% or more in gross receipts in a calendar quarter in 2021 are eligible for this valuable tax credit.
Areas of Opportunity:
Your firm can be a major asset to business owners who continued to employ staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. By filing for the ERTC, you can greatly reduce clients’ tax burdens and put more money back into their pockets.
Qualifying employers can receive credits of up to $7,000 per employee per calendar quarter in 2021. In total, they may be able to claim as much as $21,000 for every employee kept on payroll during the pandemic.
Website Link: Info Page
Service: Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Employers who hire members of certain targeted groups that have consistently faced significant barriers to employment can qualify for Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTCs). Available until December 31, 2025, this federal tax program is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of IRS taxes owed.
WOTCs reward employers who hire members of marginalized groups. Taxable employers can claim the WOTC as a general business credit against income taxes, and tax-exempt employers can claim the WOTC against payroll taxes.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your firm has clients who employ members of targeted groups, the WOTC offers them major tax incentives. Additionally, the federal government has designated certain economically depressed areas as tax advantage areas. If a client has a business located in one of these areas and employs individuals living in the same area, they can earn credit against their federal tax liability.
Applying for the WOTC can be tricky, so it helps to work with an organization with prior experience successfully guiding companies through the application and certification process. Your firm will be able to provide clients with expert advice regarding these valuable tax credits.
Website Link: WOTC Info Page
Service: Wireless Infrastructure Technology
Telecom carriers have recently been scrambling to find commercial real estate locations to deploy the 5G network as fast as possible. Because 5G technology is high-frequency and shortwave, the signal is very strong, but it’s unable to travel long distances. As a result, carriers need 5G transmitters about every five blocks in major metropolitan areas. This opens up the opportunity for your clients to lease their rooftops and commercial land to telecom providers.
Commercial real estate owners who take part in a Wireless Infrastructure Technology (WIT) enterprise can maximize rooftop and land revenue. Your clients will receive assistance sourcing wireless carriers, negotiating the most advantageous long-term leases, managing permits, implementing the construction process and maintaining the equipment throughout the lease’s life.
Areas of Opportunity:
The federal government has set aggressive mandates for cellular carriers to populate their 5G networks over the next two years. Carriers have been struggling to fulfill these requirements in the mandatory timeline. This creates a huge demand for rooftop and land leases, which can generate income for your clients.
Participating in this program will allow your clients to market suitable commercial properties to nationwide technology groups, securing valuable leases and increasing their revenue.
Website Link: Info Page
Download Flyer: Download
Service: Jet Purchase/Charter Services
Individuals facing a significant tax liability as the result of a major liquidity event (sale of a business, signing bonus, etc.) may want to explore the benefits of owning a private jet and utilize the aircraft for charter purposes to help mitigate the amount of total tax due. Our unique approach, subject to owner utilization, can sometimes be structured to be cash-flow positive when considering the benefits of charter revenue, depreciation, tax structure, etc.
Materials and Multimedia:
Flyer: Download
Service: 1031 Tax Exchange
A 1031 tax exchange allows a real estate investor to swap one investment property for another—so long as the new property is used for a similar purpose. This process defers capital gains taxes. In most cases, the investor will have no or very little tax due at the time of the exchange and sale.
When all proceeds from a qualified 1031 property exchange are held in escrow, the swap is made no longer taxable as a sale. This allows the investor to change out properties in their portfolio without subjecting the transfers to capital gains taxes.
Areas of Opportunity:
Accounting firms that are able to facilitate 1031 tax exchanges are highly advantageous to real estate investors. Your clients will enjoy reduced tax burdens and greater flexibility when making new investments.
By employing the 1031 tax exchange structure, property investors can grow their portfolios while deferring capital gains taxes. They won’t have to pay property sale taxes until they exchange the property for cash many years down the line.
Website Link: Info Page
Service: Strategic Planning and Retreats
The accounting landscape is quickly changing! Firms need to deal with a host of challenges like staff shortages, partner retirement, technology, growth, fee pressures and regulatory changes just to name some. A solid strategic planning process will help firms deal with all of these issues and more. We believe in a three-stage approach:
STAGE 1 – Pre-Retreat Activities: Conducting a retreat does not “happen in a vacuum” and, accordingly, we believe it is crucial to conduct due diligence in advance of the retreat. Stage 1 allows us to gather information about your firm so we may begin developing an understanding of your financial situation, compensation plans, HR environment and other matters that can directly and indirectly affect your retreat.
STAGE 2 – Retreat Facilitation: We will actively facilitate your retreat. We use the word active because we don’t simply try to draw the solutions out of your group, we will tap into our decades of experience in the accounting profession and suggest best practices and proven ideas and activities. The retreat is typically a 1 – 1.5-day process that should take place off-site.
STAGE 3 – Post-Retreat Activities: During Stage 3, we will finalize and document the retreat discussions. If necessary, we will work with members of your team via email and telephone to put the finishing touches on an action plan. Stage 1, 2 and 3 all work together to develop a plan that maximizes the firm’s chances of IMPLEMENTING the agreed upon strategic goals.
Website Link: Info Page
Service: Marketing Support
As the lone marketing professional at your accounting firm, you have a lot on your plate. From growth initiatives to website design to strategy development and more, you are responsible for many important but disparate tasks. To be successful, you need to keep a lot of wheels turning at once. That is where we come in.
The Growth Partnership (TGP) was established in order to meet the marketing and business development needs of firms like yours. We offer a marketing support team that fits the unique needs of your organization and matches both your size and growth goals. Partnering with TGP means gaining access to the team of marketing professionals that you need to take your marketing efforts to the next level.
Website Link: Info Page
Service: Training and Development
We live in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment that demands a new approach to learning and development. It’s more important now than ever to create an environment with ongoing learning opportunities that take a comprehensive approach to organizational norms. The scope of what people need now is broader than technical training and on-the-job learning. It needs to put equal focus on personal and professional growth opportunities and developing the interpersonal skills needed to ensure your clients have an exceptional experience every time they interact with someone from your business.
In addition, employees today want to change to cope with a new work environment and new demands being placed upon them. In their workplace training and development, they’re seeking a transformative experience.
If your goals are to develop your leaders of tomorrow and provide an environment where your employees can leverage what they learn inside and outside of work, Evolve Academy is the solution.
Customized learning paths for employees, leaders, and/or teams.
Online platform to access and learn from anywhere in the world.
24/7 access when it’s most convenient for your team members.
On-demand knowledge center for your firm.
Learn at your own pace by continuing where you left off at a later day.
Collaborate with other employees in your learning path.
Browse, filter, and sort by content type.
Website Link: Info Page
Service: 45 L Energy Credits
The 45L Energy-Efficient Home Tax Credit allows developers, builders or homeowners to claim tax credits of up to $2,000 or $5,000 for certified energy-efficient residential properties. This tax credit can apply to both newly constructed and substantially remodeled homes.
The purpose of Section 45L is to encourage builders to use energy-efficient materials during home construction. Those eligible can receive tax credits for the houses, apartment complexes, condominiums, townhomes, student housing and assisted living facilities they own.
Areas of Opportunity:
Your firm is likely to have clients who could benefit from the 45L tax credit. Any property owner who has recently built or renovated an energy-efficient residential property can qualify, whether that property be a primary residence, vacation home or rental unit.
The 45L tax credit puts thousands back into the hands of property developers, homeowners and builders. Your clients will appreciate the opportunity to have their properties certified so that they can enjoy sizeable tax credits.
Website Link (45L): 45L Info Page
Materials and Multimedia:
45L Flyer: Download
45L Case study Video: Watch Now
An iCLAT is a type of trust that is set up to make annual charitable distributions for a specified number of years. Taxpayers with iCLATs receive year-one income tax deductions based on the value of their charitable donations, which is calculated using the IRS §7520 interest rate.
The IRS has recently doubled the standard of deduction for charitable giving, making it more difficult than ever to obtain income tax deductions. iCLATs solve this problem. Setting up an iCLAT can give an individual who donates to charity access to much greater tax savings than they would otherwise enjoy.
Areas of Opportunity:
iCLATs are ideal for taxpayers whose charitable donations do not meet the current standard of deduction. Even if a taxpayer has already surpassed the standard of deduction, they may still be able to receive higher tax savings by setting up an iCLAT.
If your firm has clients who regularly make charitable donations of at least $10,000 per year (including donations given to their place of worship) and who meet income requirements, setting up an iCLAT may save them money on their taxes. iCLATs can enable your firm and your clients to generate immediate charitable income tax deductions in the current year.
Service: Data Analytics
This comprehensive suite of data analysis tools allows CPAs and accounting firms to better leverage their clients’ financial data. Easy-to-read custom reports show which clients are lagging behind their peers and reveal new opportunities to best serve them. Data is also compiled from public and private companies as well as publicly available sources (such as the IRS and Census Bureau) to provide in-depth information and insights.
Many CPAs have expressed the desire to make their firms more consultative, but achieving this goal can feel overwhelming. Data analysis tools empower firms to develop actionable gameplans and manage improvements in their clients’ businesses.
Areas of Opportunity:
If you have difficulty sourcing industry data that’s relevant to your clients, these tools will put all the information you need in one convenient location. You can also utilize custom data analysis reports to identify potential areas of improvement for clients who are struggling.
Financial data analysis tools help firms monitor their clients and their goals. Custom data reporting provides the perfect jumping-off point to start conversations with clients so that your firm can remain top-of-mind. In short, these tools allow firms to become more consultative, maintain stronger client relationships and take proactive steps toward improvement.
Service: Life Insurance
This diverse team of experts in estate planning, product development, banking, estate law, operations and IT represents the intersection of insurance carriers, lending institutions and clients. They specialize in assisting CPAs and accounting firm owners grow their clients’ wealth via life insurance premium finance structures.
Life insurance premium financing can be used as a legacy protection tool for high-net-worth individuals. Premium financed insurance structures provide a source of capital without interrupting the cash flow of the client's investment portfolio. They allow the client’s portfolio to continue to grow and protect their estate at death.
Areas of Opportunity:
Life insurance premium financing is a powerful tool for firms serving domestic or international clients whose net worth is in excess of $10,000,000. If your firm works with high-net-worth individuals, providing options for premium finance structures will allow you to better protect and grow their wealth.
Life insurance premium financed structures solve a longstanding problem for high-net-worth individuals by allowing them to obtain maximum coverage without requiring them to liquidate funds for premiums or out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, life insurance premium financing helps solve estate planning challenges and facilitates charitable giving.
Service: Insurance Claim Support
Webpage: https://engineeredadvisory.com/advisory-accelerator/insurance-claims-support/
Specializing in property damage insurance claims, this multi-faceted team of professional claims adjusters has more than three decades of experience with claims recovery, insurance policy analysis and mediation services. They provide policyholders with the resources they need to protect their valuable property investments.
When disaster strikes, dedicated loss adjusters can help your clients receive the full settlement for their commercial or residential post-disaster property damage claims. They’ll empower your clients to obtain maximum protection from their insurance carriers.
Areas of Opportunity:
If a client experiences fire, water or storm damage, they’ll likely need assistance filing a property damage insurance claim. You have the opportunity to position your firm as a valuable asset for all types of wealth protection by connecting them with highly qualified insurance adjusters.
By working with professional loss adjusters, your clients can maximize their insurance claims to receive the most coverage possible. Favorable insurance claims results allow homeowners and business owners to restore their properties in a timely manner and protect their investments.
Service: Strategic Planning and Retreats
Engaging in an effective strategic planning process will help firms prepare for the future, develop action plans, tackle difficult issues and discuss partner succession.
Depending upon the special situation of each firm, deliverables may include:
Areas of Opportunity:
Firms need to deal with a host of challenges like staff shortages, partner retirement, technology, growth, fee pressures and regulatory changes—just to name a few. A solid strategic planning process will help firms deal with all of these issues and more.
Making your firm the best it can be requires intention, dedication and creative thinking. By engaging in an effective strategic planning process, you can position your firm for future growth and success.
Service: Marketing Support
This suite of marketing support services encompasses overall marketing strategy, public relations, social media strategy, graphic design, content creation, lead generation and administration.
Marketing support services provide CPA firms with the resources needed to produce exceptional marketing and business development initiatives that lead to firm growth.
Areas of Opportunity:
Many accounting firms don’t know where to start in terms of growth strategy – and even an internal marketing team member can get mired in the day to day. From growth initiatives to website design to strategy development, TGP can help streamline your marketing strategy and processes. Our dedicated marketing support team can help your firm no mater your current situation.
These services will help you to meet all your firm’s marketing and business development needs. The TGP marketing support team fits the unique needs of your organization and matches both your size and growth goals.
Service: Solar
This full-service distributor, installer and integrator of renewable and energy saving products helps property owners determine the best solar installation style for their needs to take advantage of utility incentives and acquire valuable tax credits.
Not only does installing solar arrays allow clients to dramatically reduce their energy costs, it also enables them to lower their tax burden via federal investment tax credits. Additional incentives such as rebates and depreciation also provide for strong return on investment.
Areas of Opportunity:
Your firm can better serve clients by enabling them to receive tax credits for their solar energy production. Whether your clients already own existing solar arrays or are interested in installing new systems, your firm can help position them for success.
In addition to the environmental benefits, solar energy presents major financial advantages for those who choose to make use of it. Your clients can expect to pay lower power bills, earn federal tax credits and potentially receive lucrative grants and rebates.
Service: Metaverse Development
The Metaverse is a persistent virtual environment with which users can interact. Its digital attributes will continue to be present even when individual users log off. In short, the Metaverse allows people to experience digital environments in largely the same way that they experience the real world.
Metaverse development services enable forward-thinking entrepreneurs to virtualize practically all facets of the real world.
With comprehensive Metaverse development services, your enterprising clients can create opportunities to generate revenue and engage with customers in new, fresh ways.
Areas of Opportunity:
Your firm’s clients have the chance to get in on the ground floor of a rapidly expanding marketplace. Major companies such as Ralph Lauren, Walmart, Nike and McDonald’s have already taken steps to protect their intellectual property by filing trademark applications covering products in the Metaverse.
Metaverse development is an exciting strategy for clients to grow their virtual reach. Leading brands are already moving to secure their futures in a digital marketplace, and your clients can as well.
Service: Sales and Use/Property Tax
In today’s multi-state business environment, it is critical to find a partner to assist client companies in identifying state and local tax incentives to help reduce their tax burdens and increase their cash flows. This Accelerator partner works with both statutory incentives, which are available to all taxpayers meeting certain requirements, and negotiated incentives, which are awarded by the IRS on a case-by-case basis.
Your clients invest a lot into their businesses, and many tax incentives exist to help offset these costs. Knowing which ones are applicable and how to file for them can lead to substantial tax savings.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your firm serves business owners, it is critical to help them determine which tax credits they qualify for will allow them to take full advantage of state and local incentives. The less they have to pay in taxes, the more they can invest into growing their businesses and portfolios.
By partnering with a knowledgeable SALT consulting firm, you can inform your clients of valuable tax incentives they may not otherwise have known about.
Service: Alternative Investments
Unique private investment opportunities and comprehensive wealth management services empower businesses and high-net-worth individuals to create lasting legacies. Financial protection tactics, alternative investment opportunities, lifestyle consulting and philanthropic strategies come together to help clients fuel their dreams.
Business owners and wealthy individuals are often concerned with protecting their legacy. Utilizing the proper investing strategies will allow them to build financial growth that continues unimpeded.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your firm works with high-net-worth individuals or business owners, you have an opportunity to help them invest in their future and realize their goals. You’ll be able to guide them through philanthropic endeavors.
A strong legacy built on solid investment and charitable strategies will which carry forward for generations. If your client’s are charitably inclined and looking for unique alternative investment strategies, look no further than our Accelerator Partner.
Service: Historic Tax Credits/Renewable Energy Tax Credits/Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Developers, investors and general contractors can benefit greatly from smart tax credit capture strategies to grow and protect their investments. Numerous tax credits and incentives are available for taxpayers who rehabilitate historic properties, produce clean energy and invest in improving low-income housing.
Obtaining tax credits for historic and low-income property restoration as well as solar energy production reduces tax burdens for investors and frees up more capital that can be used to grow their portfolios.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your clients are interested in investing in real estate, they should be aware of the many tax incentives available to them. Understanding the opportunities presented by historic development, low-income housing improvement and clean energy production tax credits will enable them to make smarter investment decisions.
Your clients can expect aggressive returns on their renewable energy and property restoration investments.
Service: IC DISC
The Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC DISC) incentive program enables exporters to increase their after-tax income. As tax-exempt entities, IC DISCs earn income that would otherwise be taxable to the exporter, thus reducing their overall tax burden.
The federal government created this incentive as a way to help U.S. exporters better compete in a global marketplace. Exporters who pay reduced taxes can greatly improve their profit margins.
Areas of Opportunity:
If any of your clients are currently U.S. exporters or are considering international sales, they’ll likely want to set up IC DISCs. You have the opportunity to provide them with proprietary processes and systems that will keep their IC DISCs running smoothly.
When executed and managed properly, IC DISCs generate permanent tax savings for U.S. exporters.
Service: Intellectual Property
An intellectual property lawyer specializing in trademarks, trade names and copyrights can be a vital asset to manufacturers, marketing companies and creative professionals. Copyright-related legal services are in particularly high demand for startup founders.
Every business has some form of intellectual property. Even something as fundamental as a company’s name can be considered intellectual property. As such, protecting intellectual property is a key concern for forward-thinking business owners. Copyright-related legal services allow them to protect their valuable assets.
Areas of Opportunity:
Firms that serve business owners (and particularly startup owners) can support their clients’ growth by connecting them with experienced legal professionals. If your clients are concerned that a trademark or copyright problem may affect their portfolio, you’ll be better positioned to assist them with appropriate legal services.
Proper trademark and copyright enforcement is key for protecting businesses’ assets and promoting their continued growth. The world of intellectual property law is confusing, but working with the right legal professional can simplify things for your clients.
Service: Cyber Security
Information security services help businesses and individuals prevent potential security breaches and manage IT projects. In today’s complex digital landscape, cyber security is more important than ever.
This full suite of cyber security services includes:
Enterprise risk and compliance
Security program strategy
Threat and vulnerability management
Enterprise incident management
Security architecture and implementation
Education and awareness
Identity and access management
Managed security services
Staffing and recruitment services
Areas of Opportunity:
All businesses should take their cyber security seriously. Therefore, accounting firms serving business owners can add value for their clients by connecting them with information security experts.
Cyber threats have a tangible impact on the success of businesses and individuals. By providing your clients with information security services, you can help them prevent potential negative consequences.
Service: Virtual Tax Office
Accounting firms and financial advisors can manage excess 1040 volume by working with a virtual tax office. This national network of CPAs and tax attorneys serves as your single-source provider for outsourced tax preparation and/or planning assistance.
As a multi-faceted financial services platform, this virtual tax office is your source for managing tax volume in a difficulty staffing environment.
Areas of Opportunity:
Utilizing a virtual tax office will allow your firm to better serve clients in every tax bracket. You’ll maintain the ability to make personalized tax planning recommendations and provide in-depth financial advice while managing compliance through a third party provider.
Working with a virtual tax office offers numerous benefits including seamless return prep and review with licensed onshore professionals.
Service: Real Estate Investing
This real estate private equity and investment firm helps real estate developers and sponsors fund their projects. Offering alternative investment strategies in real estate, they serve family offices, high-net-worth individuals and institutional capital partners from around the world.
Investors searching for short-term real estate investment opportunities will benefit from high-quality underwriting, deal structuring and legal services. These services enable clients to get involved in some of the most promising real estate projects available on the market.
Areas of Opportunity:
If your firm serves real estate investors, you can help grow their wealth by introducing them to alternative investment strategies that deliver above-market risk-adjusted returns.
Investing in Single-Tenant Net-Lease (STNL) developments can yield substantial returns for your clients. These comparatively higher-quality, lower-risk real estate investment opportunities may be exactly what your clients are searching for.
Service: 401k Administration
If you or your clients are looking for an alternative for active 401k administration our Accelerator partner may be a good fit.
Many providers in this arena are passive administrators. If an active strategy is preferred, Your401kSource is a great resource.
Areas of Opportunity:
Riding the market is a terrifying proposition without trusted advisors. The team at Your401kSource is regularly involved with participants to help drive long-term desired results..
Everyone deserves to enjoy a comfortable retirement. With proper 401k planning and administration, your clients can protect and grow their retirement accounts.
Service: Land Preservation
Contact: [email protected]
This program enables you to provide two options for your clients: family partnerships and fee simple donations. With family partnerships, your clients will pay at least 25% less in overall tax liabilities for all their family members, with a carry forward of up to 15 years through a land preservation program. With fee simple donations, your firm’s clients will pay 50% less in taxes on 30% of AGI by donating land to a conservancy as a limited partner.
These services are designed to help high-net-worth clients significantly reduce their tax liabilities while preserving their wealth. By leveraging the tax savings available through land preservation programs, your clients can keep more of their hard-earned money and continue to build their legacies for future generations.
Areas of Opportunity:
Land preservation is ideal for high-net-worth clients who are looking to reduce their tax liabilities and increase their ROI. By taking advantage of the significant tax savings available through this service, your clients can preserve and increase their wealth, allowing them to achieve their financial goals and secure their legacies for the future.
The primary benefit is the ability to preserve and increase your clients’ wealth. By reducing their tax liabilities, your clients can keep more of their hard-earned money and invest it back into their businesses, properties or other ventures. Additionally, by participating in a land preservation program, your clients can make a positive impact on the environment, supporting conservation efforts and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
Service: Staffing
Contact: [email protected]
Our staffing service provides direct hire and temporary staffing solutions to a wide range of industries, including CPA firms. We work closely with our clients’ hiring managers to fully understand their goals, budget and the specific skills and experience required for each role. Our team of seasoned recruiters has proven expertise in finding and delivering talented individuals who share our clients’ vision and can contribute to their success. Additionally, our unique approach has no upfront costs, and if we are unsuccessful in hiring, our clients do not experience any out-of-pocket expenses.
We provide agile and flexible hiring solutions at a fair price. We understand that finding the right candidate can be a time-consuming and costly process, which is why we offer a streamlined approach that minimizes the resources required and maximizes results.
Areas of Opportunity:
Our staffing and recruiting service is ideal for any organization looking to expand its workforce with top-tier talent. Whether you’re a CPA firm looking for employees with specialized skills or a company in another industry, our team has the experience and expertise needed to find the right fit for your organization.
Recruit talented individuals to meet your specific needs and wants. Our team has access to a broad pool of talent across the country, which means we can find the right candidate for your organization, no matter where you’re located. By partnering with our staffing service, clients can reduce the costs associated with recruiting and hiring while benefiting from our expertise and network of talent.
Service: oClat
Contact: [email protected]
The Optimized CLAT (OCLAT) is an income tax deduction strategy designed for clients with high incomes or large capital gains. By promising to make donations to charity or a donor-advised fund in the future, clients are rewarded now with a large income tax deduction. Clients can fund the OCLAT every tax year to reduce federal and state taxes by up to 30%, regardless of their income. The OCLAT also provides retirement savings, asset protection and generational wealth transfer benefits.
The purpose of the OCLAT is to maximize the tax and economic benefits of high-net-worth clients with high incomes or those who are selling an appreciated asset/business for a large capital gain. It increases assets under management (AUM) in three ways: by reducing a client’s income taxes, by building up their donor-advised fund and by reducing the 40% federal estate tax.
Areas of Opportunity:
The OCLAT presents an opportunity for high-net-worth clients looking to reduce their tax liability and increase their AUM. It can be funded with stocks, bonds and/ or investment real estate, providing clients with more flexibility in their investment strategy. At the end of the charitable period, the client can expect to receive back two to five times the initial contribution to the OCLAT, which can be transferred back to the client or to their heirs without immediate income taxes or the 40% federal inheritance tax.
The OCLAT offers several benefits to clients, including:
• A federal/state income tax deduction equal to the
amount contributed to the OCLAT every year
• Asset protection from personal creditors, lawsuits
and bankruptcy
• Control over investments with few limitations
Service: Property Tax Solutions
Contact: [email protected]
Expand your accounting firm’s offerings with comprehensive Property Tax Solutions, including full-service outsourcing, co-sourcing and licensed software technology to manage the entire property tax lifecycle. These services include commercial property tax assessment review, appeal services, PropertyPoint technology, budgets and accruals, pre-acquisition reports, tax bill administration, complex property tax analysis, compliance services, and consulting for property valuation, appeals, M&A support and audit management.
Property Tax Solutions are designed to ensure that your clients pay their fair share, but absolutely no more than their fair share in property taxes. By offering expert guidance and tools, you can help your clients minimize their property tax liabilities and enhance control through visibility and transparency, reducing risk through better compliance.
Areas of Opportunity:
Property Tax Solutions are ideal for accounting firms looking to expand their services and cater to businesses of all sizes, across various industries. By offering Property Tax Services, you can attract clients seeking to minimize their property tax liabilities and maintain compliance with ever-changing regulations, enhancing their financial performance and achieving long-term success.
By offering Property Tax Solutions to your clients, your accounting firm can benefit from a new revenue stream, increased client satisfaction and improved client retention. Your firm will also demonstrate its expertise and commitment to helping clients optimize their property tax management, safeguarding their assets and ensuring they pay only what is necessary, maximizing their financial efficiency.
Service: Global Talent Solutions
Contact: [email protected]
A provider of global talent solutions including accounting services, tax services and assurance services, catering to over 1,000 firms worldwide. Thier game changing approach gives you access to highly skilled professionals around the globe that are available during U.S. working hours, at a significantly reduced cost compared to local talent, resulting in increased billable hours and improved profitability for their clients.
Tailored talent solutions for accountants and accounting firms. Specialized solutions are crafted by experienced professionals with an in-depth understanding of the accounting industry. By leveraging their industry knowledge and insights, they deliver high-quality solutions that optimize operations, boost efficiency, and accomplish business objectives.
Areas of Opportunity:
By leveraging a vast talent pool from across the globe, organizations can enhance their efficiency, capacity, and billable hours, allowing them to prioritize client service. Optimize operations and effectively meet client demands. Empowering companies to streamline processes, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional services.
Providing enterprise-grade security, cuttingedge technologies, and comprehensive training programs tailored for accountants. Solutions that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ensure seamless communication between clients and team members while prioritizing data security and compliance.
Service: Practice Automation
Contact: [email protected]
This practice automation tool is designed to enhance the revenue cycle of your accounting firm. It aims to increase capacity, speed up cash flow and deliver a superior client experience by automating and optimizing critical revenue processes. This is achieved by unlocking client data from existing practice management and CRM systems and automating the invoicing, payment and reconciliation processes.
The primary purpose of practice automation is to automate receivables and collections. It standardizes and automates client engagements, allowing firms to onboard and grow clients faster and more profitably.
Areas of Opportunity:
The main area of opportunity lies in the automation of receivables and the ease of use by clients. By automating billing processes and integrating them with existing systems, practice automation allows accounting firms to focus more on serving clients and less time on preparing their invoices.
The benefits of practice automation are manifold. It simplifies and automates the billing process, resulting in happier clients, more consistent payments and increased cash flow. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights gleaned from current and historical firm data.